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Meet the Team: Brittany Dunn


What do an aspiring National Geographic photographer, a home health aide, and a legal assistant have in common? The answer is everything! Introducing a somewhat newer face at Whitehurst, Blackburn & Warren – meet Brittany Dunn.

Thomasville native and Central Yellow Jacket alumna Brittany Dunn joined the WBW team almost seven months ago after a 17-year career as a home health aide and then a nearly ten-year stint as a loan officer and Senior Assistant Manager for a local financial institution.

But when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, Brittany was quick to reply: “I wanted to be a photographer for National Geographic.

How does an aspiring photographer end up in home health?

“By chance,” Dunn says. “I was a recent high school graduate who fell in love quickly, got married, started a family and had little work experience. But someone gave me a chance.”

That original opportunity in home health guided the better part of the next two decades for Dunn as she raised a son and then began looking for more.

“After taking two months off I knew I needed to do something,” she recalls, “but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go back into home health.”

Chance and opportunity met again when Sunbelt Credit advertised a job opening and Dunn applied.

“I went into my interview feeling defeated and thinking there is no way they were going to hire me,” she explains. “I had never done that type of work.”

But the manager at Sunbelt saw promise and drive in Brittany and she was offered the job. In her role, she helped customers with loan applications and processing, completed closings, worked in collections, and solicited new business. Little did she know her work was building a strong foundation her next opportunity.

Fast-forward nine years and a few months when Brittany and her husband contacted WBW to help them close on their home. Partner Bruce Warren approached Brittany about an opening at the firm.

“Funny enough, my mom has always wanted to work in the legal field,” she says. “When Bruce approached me about the job, I talked to my mom about it. I was really struggling to make a decision because I had been at my previous employer for almost ten years, and I didn’t know if I should make a change. My mom told me she would disown me if I didn’t take it.”

Dunn now works as a legal assistant specializing in real estate and bankruptcy. Her days include researching properties, editing and filing documents, meeting with clients, and completing closing procedures.

“Everything that I experienced in home health prepared me for the jobs I have had since. I am thankful that three employers now have taken a chance on me,” Brittany says.

Outside of the office, you can find Brittany and her husband Eric navigating life as empty-nesters. They enjoy riding motorcycles together (when it’s not pollen season in South Georgia), and Brittany also enjoys working in her yard and going to the beach. She is mom and “bonus mom” to Taylor, Brendan, and Lauren. She is also Nona to granddaughters Persephone and Hermione.

If you are looking for legal experts who value people, call Brittany and the team at WBW today. They are ready to take a chance for you, too!



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